Village Singles Club
Minutes of December 16, 2024
La Hacienda Recreation Center
The Villages, FL
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. The 50/50 drawing was held.
Becky Berning extended an invitation for a potluck Chrstmas party to be held at her home Christmas Day. The details were also shared on a member wide email.
Ice cream was passed out to all members, in celebration of the quarterly birthdays. The members with birthdays in October, November, and December were invited to come forward, introduce themselves and give the DAY and MONTH of their birth. They then participated in a birthday dance.
Mary Ann Bale, former president administered the oath of office to install the officers of 2025.
Art Schaeffer, President
Beverly Sisto, Vice President
Hannah Sink, Secretary
Gloria Clause, Treasurer
Sylvia Springer, Membership Chair
The meeting was adjourned to dance to the music of Linda Angiulli, DJ
Respectfully submitted,
Hannah Sink, Secretary.