How do I find my password?

How do I find my password?
If you signed up online, you created your own password.  If you do no not remember it or it doesn’t work,  click on the “Contact Us” link in blue print on the homepage and send in the form for assistance.
If you signed up at a meeting, you received a small card that explained how to access your password.  If you do not have the card, click on the “Contact Us” link in blue print on the homepage and send in the form for assistance.

How can I join The Villages Singles Club?

How can I join The Villages Singles Club?
Thank you for reaching out to get information on our Club. You can see by our Website and Calendar that we have a variety of activities to meet other active Singles.  We have a monthly New Member's Breakfast and monthly Dinner Group. We have golf, Shuffleboard, Cards and Games and a variety of day trips. The calendar on the Home Page lists all these items. We meet at La Hacienda Recreation Center, 1200 Avenida Central, on the first and third Monday of each month and have a dance. 
  Dress code: No shorts for men or women.
You can JOIN in three ways. 
1. At a meeting
Stop by Registration Tables when you enter the meeting on Monday.
You can fill out a form and pay the $25 new Member fee- Cash or check, please, no credit Cards.  Doors open at 5:15 p.m. and Registration closes at 6:10 p.m. You will need your Villages ID.
2. In the mail.  
 Click on, "Contact Us" on the Home Page send your home address using that form. You will receive an application for Membership in the mail.  Fill it out and mail to the address below; include a $25.00 check to:
The Villages Singles Club
1080 Bichara Blvd #209
Lady Lake, FL 32159
3. Online at
Click on "Join The Villages Single Club" in blue lettering on the Home Page.  The link will take you to an application to fill out.  Follow the instructions and pay online using PayPal OR YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD. YOU DO NOT NEED A PAY PAL ACCOUNT.